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South Green Infant and Nursery School

Achievement for all

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How to apply

To apply for a school place for your child, you need to follow the procedure set out below:


For admissions to school in September you must apply for your child’s school place via the Essex County Council’s web page


Applications for school places outside the normal admission round

All mid-year applications should be made directly to the school. Mid-year applications are any application for a school place made during the year apart from September admissions.

For applications into existing year groups, a place will be offered when the number of pupils in the relevant year group is below the admission number for that year group.


All applications must be submitted on our application form (copies are also available from the school office)

Reception Admission 2022/23

Published Admission number: 60


The Essex County Council online application system opens on  Monday 8th November 2021


The closing date for applications will be on Saturday 15th January 2022

Offers of places with be sent by Essex County Council on National Offers Day, Tuesday 19th April 2023. 


It is highly recommended that parents/carers put the priority admission area school as one of their options, otherwise there is a risk of being allocated a school outside of the preferred locality.  


There is no guarantee of a place for children living within the priority admission area or for those children who attend South Green Nursery.


Parents can check in which school's priority admission area (catchment area) their address is located using this link.


In the event of oversubscription, places will be allocated in accordance with our admission policy.


Withdrawal of an offer

If a school place has been secured by providing false information or in error, the offer of a place may be withdrawn.


All appeals are handled by the statutory appeals panel through Essex County Council (ECC)

Procedure for handling late applications, the operation of the waiting list and mid year transfer will also be in accordance with the Essex County Council admission arrangements.

