Our School Day
Our School Day
The School Day
From September 2023, the school day starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3.10pm
Children come straight into school from the gate from 8:30am and are welcomed by staff as they make their way to their classrooms.
Registration is at 8.40am, followed by the first lesson of the day phonics.
Assemblies take place Monday to Friday from 10:30 for all Year 1 and 2 children. Reception children attend assemblies on Tuesdays and Fridays.
We celebrate all our children's successes on Fridays at our special celebration assembly.
In the reception class, children will have the opportunity to play and learn outside the classroom both in the morning and the afternoon. They have their own dedicated learning garden.
Children have a daily playtime. Year 1 and 2 have playtime at 10.45am where they can enjoy a healthy snack.
Every child will be offered fruit/vegetable and water can be supplied.
We understand how important it is to drink plenty of water so we ask that children bring a named water bottle to school in order to drink throughout the day. Bottles can be topped up if needed.
Milk can be ordered through Cool Milk and delivered to your child in school daily.
No other drinks or snacks are allowed.
Lunch break is from 12:00 noon to 13:00 followed by afternoon registration.
All infant children are entitled to a free hot or cold meal.
Meals are prepared in the junior school kitchen then transported to our hall to be serve. Meals are ordered in advance using ParentPay.
Parents can provide a healthy packed lunch for their child if preferred.
PE Days
Children will come to school wearing PE kit on their PE days. PE days will be given to parents at the start of the academic year.
The end of the school day
The children exit class through their external classroom door at 3.10pm and will meet you on the playground. We always leave in the same order; Foxes and Hedgehogs, Badgers and Squirrels and then Rabbits and Otters.