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South Green Infant and Nursery School

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Gardening Project

We have been working hard to improve our outdoor environment and to plant more fruit, vegetables and flowers.  Bill (our caretaker) has remade the flower beds on the balcony using recycled wood from our old climbing wall!  Mrs Jackson has been planting a sensory garden with herbs and flowers that attract bees and butterflies.


We have been enthusiastically composting since the summer, using fruit from snack, left over raw food from lunchtimes and shredded paper.  From half term we will be collecting our food waste at lunchtime so that it can be collected by ECC for 'hot' composting.


A big thank you to all of those parents that have donated bulbs, seeds and plants or given up their time to repaint, restore or repair our garden resources.


We are delighted to have achieved Level One in the RHS School Gardening Awards and are currently working towards Level 2!


The children are currently planting garlic, potatoes and acorns.  We will update you regularly with our produce on this page.

Photos of our landscaping work

