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South Green Infant and Nursery School

Achievement for all

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Parents Meetings

At South Green Infant and Nursery School we try our best to listen and respond to the views of parents and carers.  In our surveys last year, parents said that they wanted more opportunities to meet with teachers and workshops to find out more about how we teach and what they can do to help.


With this is mind, we have changed our meeting schedule and have planned the following events:


WB 6th September - Reception parents 'Meet the Teacher' meetings

WB 11th September - Year 1 and 2 parents 'Meet the Teacher' meetings

26th September - Phonics workshop for Reception parents

3rd October - Reading for Pleasure meeting for Year 1 and 2 parents

WB 16th October - One Plan Meetings for all children with SEND

Monday 6th November - Parents Evening for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 parents

Tuesday 7th November - Parents Evening for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 parents



More dates to follow.


If you would like information on anything in particular, please email the school at with your suggestions and we will try our best to accommodate.

