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South Green Infant and Nursery School

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Term and School Holiday Dates

School Term and Holiday Dates

We are a community school and follow the term dates issued by Essex County Council.

Families with siblings in other schools are advised to check term dates with these schools as term dates   

may be different, especially teacher training (inset) dates.

Taking holidays in term time 

Days off for holidays, birthday treat etc are not permitted and will be marked as unauthorised absence.

Parents are required to submit a leave of absence form for any leave request during term time at least 2 weeks before the requested date/s.

If your child is absent immediately prior to, or on return from any requested leave, you will be asked to provide medical evidence to support the absence. 

You could be issued with a penalty notice if your child misses

school without permission.


Important information - Term time holidays

Improving school attendance is a key priority for all schools across Essex. Where families choose to take a family holiday during term time, this can detrimentally impact a pupil’s progress and can prevent them from fulfilling their true academic potential. Our school attendance policy,available on the school website, clearly sets out the process that parents should follow if they wish to apply for leave during term time. Please note that applications should only be made, if you feel that there are exceptional circumstances which mean that the leave cannot be taken during the school holidays.

We would ask all parents to note that, where families choose to go on holiday during term time and the absences are coded as unauthorised,

Essex County Council may not issue penalty notices and may instead proceed to prosecution and place the case directly before the Magistrates

for their consideration in court.

If found guilty by the Magistrates, parents could face a fine of up to £2,500 and/or 3 months imprisonment. 


To be completed for any absence from school

Attendance - Why is it important?


School Term and Holiday Dates 2024-25

