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South Green Infant and Nursery School

Achievement for all

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British Values

British Values


- We have a say at what happens in our school.

At South Green we have a School Council made up of staff and two children from each class. They work together with their classmates to make decisions about that happens in our school.  We have an Eco-committee voted for by each class that helps us to make choices that help improve our environment.


The Rule of Law

- We understand we have rules we have to follow.

At South Green we follow our School, Class and Playground Rules.


Individual Liberty

– We can make our own choices in school.

At South Green we understand what is expected of us. The children are given jobs and responsibilities i.e. Class helpers, Lunchtime monitors, Playground Buddies and Librarians


Mutual Respect

- We know that our behaviour affects our rights and the rights of others.

At South Green we treat everyone equally i.e. we hold the door open for each other; we respect those who look after us (saying thank you); we help each other.


Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

- We enjoy learning about different faiths and cultures from around the world.

At South Green we support charities; we visit local places of worship; we learn about many different festivals and celebrations from all different faiths and cultures across our curriculum.

