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South Green Infant and Nursery School

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The BCT - Billericay Community Trust

The BCT (Billericay Community Trust)


All the schools in Billericay [including the two senior schools] work together and are known as the Billericay Community Trust. The Trust also includes Stock and Downham primary schools.

It is the aim of the Trust to ensure that every child in a Billericay Trust School receives an excellent education and in order to do this we all support each other. We train together, visit each other's schools to see the best possible practice and share our expertise. We are also able to send highly trained professionals, both teachers and leaders into schools outside Billericay that might need support, to help those schools improve outcomes for their children.

We have formed The Billericay Teaching School Alliance with our lead school being St. Peter's R.C. Primary and we are able to offer accredited staff training. All schools support the alliance and share their skills as needed.

Head teachers meet together twice each term to set priorities for school improvement and staff development and to track the progress and impact of the work schools are undertaking.


Billericay Teaching School Alliance


‘Teaching Schools’ are part of the government’s drive to give schools more freedom and to enable schools to take increasing responsibility for managing the education system. The vision for Teaching Schools is to have established a network of around 500 outstanding Teaching School Alliances that will drive significant improvement in the quality of professional practice, improving the attainment of every child. South Green Infant & Nursery School is a Strategic Partner of Billericay Teaching School Alliance.


Billericay Teaching School Alliance


What is a Teaching School Alliance?

Teaching schools will play a fundamental role in developing a self-sustaining system where:


  • trainee teachers learn from the best teachers, supported by a culture of coaching and mentoring
  • professional development is school-based and classroom focused – teachers, support staff and leaders improve through exposure to excellent practice within and beyond their immediate school, through observation, mentoring, coaching, practice, reflection and sharing with peers
  • talent development and distributed leadership are the norm – staff demonstrating potential are encouraged to lead and are  given structured and stretching opportunities to grow and develop
  • leaders have local knowledge and can identify where key resources and expertise lie


As well as offering training and support, teaching schools will identify and co-ordinate expertise in partner schools, using the best leaders and teachers to:


  • play a greater role in recruiting and training new entrants to the profession (initial teacher training)
  • lead peer-to-peer professional and leadership development (continuing professional development)
  • identify and develop leadership potential (succession planning and talent management)
  • provide support for other schools
  • designate and broker specialist leaders of education (SLEs)
  • engage in research and development activity

