School Lunch Menu
School Lunch Menu
Winter 2024 menu
The catering team* prepare a selection of balanced healthy meals. Every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to receive a free** nutritious lunch or can choose to bring a packed lunch from home.
Mondays are now 'meat-free Monday'
*Our meals are prepared in the kitchen at South Green Junior School.
* *There is a cost to the school to provide these lunches so please do not order food that your child will not eat. Our mission is to reduce food and financial waste in school.
All meals must be ordered through ParentPay
We have to order all our children's meals
with the catering team a week in advance,
there is a cut when it will not be
possible to orders or alter your child's choices
ParentPay has recommended that it is best to use a PC or laptop where possible so that the whole week can be viewed and selections made easily.
How to order meals
It's easy to log in to your ParentPay account, select Infant menu and choose your lunches. This link will help you order your lunches. Remember it's a 3 week rota.
Need help?
If you have forgotten your username/password or need other help with ParentPay, there is support on their website please click here.
Menu with week dates
Healthy Packed Lunch
This includes peanut butter, nut oils, Nutella, cereal bars, crepes
and other foods containing nuts.
We are a ‘healthy school’ and adhere to the Government standards and guidelines.
We ask parents to respect this when providing a packed lunch.
Children can have:
- Sandwiches/rolls/wraps/pitta
Cheese, Ham, Tuna, Egg, Salad etc
Please avoid chocolate spread and jams on a daily basis.
- Vegetables cut into chunks sticks – e.g. carrot, cucumber
- Cheese cubes - Avoid tubes of yoghurt and cheese products that need to be opened with scissors
- Pasta
- Plain cake or plain biscuits - Not chocolate covered
- Pot of yoghurt - with their own spoon
- Fruit – whole or pieces of fruit
- Dried fruit
- Bottle of water – no fruit juice, milk or squash.
Things to avoid:
- Nuts - We are a nut free school
- Processed Cheese - Dairylea or similar (high salt content)
- Crisps or similar
- Chocolate or chocolate coated snacks/cookies/bars/cakes
- Fizzy and carbonated drinks
Children should be able to open all the packages themselves.