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South Green Infant and Nursery School

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NEW *Reception Admissions 2024-25*

Welcome to our new Reception

Admission 2024/2025 page

We will be adding information to this page to help families with the admissions process for children starting Reception (Primary Education) in September 2024.

Content will be added over the next few months so please come back and visit us.

School Uniform

In EYFS (Reception) we ask that boys and girls wear grey joggers/leggings/trousers as their curriculum is practical and they spend a great deal of time outdoors. We advise parents to send their children in joggers/leggings/trousers until at least Spring half term (and as long as the weather dictates) 

The school uniform policy can be viewed on the link below.

Reception Intake 2024


Move-up day: Tuesday 25th June 9.30am to 11.00am We shall be inviting our new reception children to meet their teacher and new friends in their classroom. Please meet at the main school gates just before 9.30am. If your child is at our nursery that morning, children will be escorted down to the reception classroom and returned to the nursery after meeting their teacher and new friends.  


As this is an opportunity to meet new classmates, we are unable to offer other dates or replicate the experience.



Children start school on Wednesday 4th September

The school gates will open at 8.30am, registration will be at 8.40am

Week 1  - collect your child/ren at 11.45am

Week 2 - collect your child/ren at 1.15pm (they will have lunch in school)

Week 3 - end of school day, normal collection time 


Don't forget your waterproof suit and wellies (all named please) to be left in school for messy play.


PE Kit: Children will come into school wearing PE kit on their PE days. PE days will be given out on the first week back.


Pencil Cases: Please do not provide your child with a pencil case as they will not be able to use it. The school will provide all of the pencils, colouring pens/crayons etc that your child will need. 


School Uniform

In Reception, we ask our boys and girls to wear grey joggers/leggings/trousers as their curriculum is practical and they spend a great deal of time outdoors. We advise parents to send their children in joggers/leggings/trousers until at least Spring half term (and as long as the weather dictates).


Reception Intake Meeting

We would like to invite you to a short welcome meeting on Thursday 6th June 2024 at 5pm. This meeting is for parent/s to attend without children.


At this meeting you will be given more information about the school. There will be the opportunity to meet some of our teachers and be shown the school including classrooms. You will also be given an admission pack with forms that need to be completed and returned to school.

We will also need to see the following supporting documentation

  • Original copy of your child’s birth certificate (we are unable to accept copies)
  • Proof of your child’s address (medical/hospital  letter, child benefit letter, child bank /saving account, immunisation letter, red book )
  • 2 x Proof of parents address (recent utility bill, driving licence, bank statement [within the last 3 months], Council Tax letter)

We will also be available to answer any questions that you may have and talk to you about paperwork that you need to fill in before your child can start school.


Where there is reasonable doubt of the validity of a home address, the school reserves the right to undertake additional checks.

Failure to provide all documentation requested will prevent admission

to the school until provided.


School Place Offers

Offers will be sent to online applicants by email on Tuesday 16 April 2024.

From 16 April 2024, if you applied online, you can log into your account to see your allocation.

Find out more about what to do after you get your school offer.

School Tours 

We will be delighted to offer parents/carers tours of our school on Mondays and Thursdays afternoons from Monday 30th October to Thursday 16th November 2023. 


They will be informal tours of the entire school starting at 3.30pm with the Headteacher. 

Tours will take 20-30 minutes and there will be the opportunity to ask questions at the end of each tour. 


To book a place on a tour, please contact our school office. Email us or call 01277 651478 between 10am - 2.30pm. 

All admissions for Reception 2024 are handled centrally by

Essex County Council School Admissions Team


Primary school applications are now open for 2024. Children can start primary school in the September after their fourth birthday. Parents and carers of children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 need to apply.


Applications received after 15 January will be considered after on time applications. This means applying late could reduce the chance of getting a place at a preferred school.


Please use the link to EEC website for information on the application process.

Advice to ALL parents and top tip

Billericay schools are generally over-subscribed. When making your application through ECC, make sure you use all your 4 choices to list the schools you would like your child to be considered (include your catchment area school). If your 1st choice/catchment school is oversubscribed, ECC will consider the other choices to place your child. If you only list 1 or 2 choices and those schools are oversubscribed, your child may be placed in a school in another town/area. Putting just 1 school doesn't mean you will be offered a space in that school. 

